A Weekend Immersion in bioenergetic breath-work, external body De-armouring and Energetic Ecstatic Experiences (full body energy “orgasms").
Do you want to explore what it’s like to trust, allow and surrender to your body's wisdom and tacit knowledge?Do you want to experience a full body energy “orgasm” and reach altered states of consciousness? All the way from Canada, Nathan M. (Sky Child), an expert in Body De-armouring, presents 'Awaken the body, Connect to the heart' - an in-depth Weekend Immersion focussing on bioenergetic breath-work, external body De-armouring and Energetic Ecstatic Experiences (full body energy “orgasms”). This inward exploration is designed to support you in awakening areas of your body which have become energetically or physically desensitised by reconnecting you with your ‘felt state’. If you've ever experienced fear, anxiety, shame or abandonment in your life, over time such experiences and patterns can create and augment what is referred to as body or muscular armour.All of us carry around this armour which negatively affects our vagus nerve (vagal tone), hinders the flow of our life force or sexual energy and depresses our ability to connect and be vulnerable.In this 2 day workshop we will... • Activate our parasympathetic nervous system and strengthen our vagal tone (vagus nerve) using sound, breath and energy healing. • Begin to open and move through some of our fears and anxieties, somatic and energetic blockages, sexual traumas and stored emotions. • Explore what it’s like to trust, allow and surrender to our body wisdom & tacit knowledge. • Through breath-work and ‘cosmic bliss’ experienced from a full body energy “orgasm” reach altered states of consciousness similar to that experienced in plant medicine. • Practice presence and ‘involved detachment’ when giving and receiving. • Strengthen intuition and ‘observation without projection’. This workshop is for all beings: women, men, LGBTQ+, singles and partners. ABOUT THE FACILITATOR: Nathan M. (Sky Child) Nathan’s journey began in 1995 when he was first introduced to hatha yoga and meditation. In 2003 he began exploring other avenues of spirituality from Kundalini based teachings in Kathmandu, Vipassana trainings in Canada, followed by his initiation in Reiki levels 1 & 2 in Northeastern Thailand. In 2015, after years of self practice in yoga, meditation and Reiki, Nathan was intuitively pulled to attend a Tantra festival in Sweden where he was introduced to Breathwork, De-armouring and what he calls an Energetic Ecstatic Experience. “This experience (in Sweden) completely shifted my life’s path and transformed how I viewed it and sexuality. I awoke to the reality that the alignment of ones' life force or sexual energy could bring great awakening. I have never felt so empowered knowing that my true essence - my authentic, invariable nature is within me here and now; that all universal greatness and beauty is accessible at any given moment.” PRACTICAL INFORMATION: If you suffer from serious anxiety, heart conditions, glaucoma or have recently had a major operation please inform me ahead of time. Breath-work, De- armouring & Energetic Ecstatic Experience’s are always done in pairs yet it is not necessary to come with a partner. Furthermore, both practices can be done with the same sex or opposite sex. WHAT TO BRING: • Snacks (nuts, dried fruit) • A packed lunch (as we will only have 45 min. to eat) • Water bottle • Notebook and pen (If you wish to take notes) • Wear loose fitting comfortable clothing Saturday: 9am-4.30pm Sunday: 9am-4.30pm |
Second Story
222 Johnston Street Collingwood, VIC 3066 WHAT TO EXPECTDAY 1 & 2 (mornings): Breath-work
Conscious breathing has long been used as a gateway to the subconscious. When done in a safe environment, deep/full, circular, in-and-out of the mouth breathing sends signals to our brain and peripheral nervous system that help rebalance our somatic system and support the movement and release of our deeply-rooted physical, emotional and energetic blockages. Using breath in this way ultimately moves us out of our "fight / flight" mode (i.e. our sympathetic nervous system) and into our "rest / restore" mode (i.e. our parasympathetic nervous system). For an example of the breathwork we will experience each morning, please watch this video: https://youtu.be/DxX02a0UxqA https://youtu.be/Gld9beUqRho DAY 1 (afternoon): Body De-Armouring De-armouring is a dynamic ancient modality that uses shaking or focused pressure (similar to acupressure or pressure pointing) to support the release of this armour and help rebalance our body. For a visual example of De-armouring I recommend watching these videos: https://youtu.be/cH5QGKcSlXo https://youtu.be/XZKDTTV04DY DAY 2 (afternoon): Energetic Ecstatic Experiences Originating from venerable systems of energy practices such as Reiki or Chi gong, an Energetic Ecstatic Experience (often described as a full body energy “orgasm”) is a way to deepen our connection with self and liberate our sexual / creative / life force energy. It is an intuitive based, dynamic process that activates our parasympathetic nervous system, strengthens our vagal tone (vagus nerve) and helps us reconnect with our energetic body. This once esoteric system is now considered a path towards expanded consciousness and method to reach profound states of pleasure and joy for all. For a clear example, I invite you to watch these videos: https://youtu.be/SV4CskxMUZY https://youtu.be/8HcB6LYviXk |