Second Story is co-piloted by partners in life and parenting, Michael & Gem Akasha.
When we say this is a family business, we mean it. We live and breathe Second Story and running a 24/7 city space with a young family is wild.
We care about your experience deeply, and when you visit our space, we treat you as if you were visiting our family home.
In fact, we want you to make yourself at home here at Second Story.
Our community, is yours.
When we say this is a family business, we mean it. We live and breathe Second Story and running a 24/7 city space with a young family is wild.
We care about your experience deeply, and when you visit our space, we treat you as if you were visiting our family home.
In fact, we want you to make yourself at home here at Second Story.
Our community, is yours.
Michael akashaDirector
Michael is the founder of Second Story Studios, having converted the warehouse into studio, workshop and event spaces in early 2013. Second Story is driven by Michael's passion for creating spaces for full permission expression, and he is the cultivator of our thriving community at Second Story. Michael also, in true Leo style, knows how to throw an excellent party and is the man to go to for ensuring your special event is delivered to perfection in our premium event space upstairs, the Next Level Space. |
GEM AKASHADirector of Wellness (& Workshops!)
Gem is across all things wellness and workshops at Second Story. With a professional, certified background in dance, yoga and trauma informed embodied movement, she infuses this experience with a relentless passion for female energy medicine (including cyclical living), biohacking and nervous system regulation. The mother of Second Story, you'll find her beautifying spaces, in the office making sure your workshop runs smoothly or shaking her thang on the Next Level Space d-floor. That is when she's not chasing their wild, full-expression son, CE-Oshun around the place! |